
Mydarija.com is the ultimate online tool for anyone looking to translate between English and the Moroccan dialect of Arabic. With over 2200 pre-translated words and 1600 pre-translated sentences, you can easily search for the exact phrase you need and get an instant translation. Our user-friendly search function makes it easy to find the words and phrases you’re looking for, whether you’re working on a translation project or just need to communicate with a Moroccan speaker.

But that’s not all – Mydarija.com also features a unique Auto-Teacher tool with a chat box, which allows you to practice your language skills by typing and listening to audio recordings. And if you’re interested in learning more about Moroccan culture, you’ll find a wealth of information on our website, including articles on history, cuisine, and travel.

In addition to all these great features, Mydarija.com also offers a helpful guide on what steps to take before traveling to Morocco. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-timer, our guide will help you prepare for your trip and make the most of your time in this fascinating country.

Mydarija.com is a user-friendly website to help you translate English to the Moroccan dialect of Arabic and vice versa.

So why wait? Sign up for Mydarija.com today and start exploring all the amazing features our platform has to offer!


You may have noticed that Darija, the Moroccan dialect of Arabic, is written using Latin letters on our platform. This is because many native speakers of Darija actually use the English alphabet to write the language, rather than the traditional Arabic script.

While some people may prefer to see Darija written using the traditional Arabic letters, we have chosen to use the Latin alphabet on our platform for several reasons. Firstly, using the Latin alphabet makes it easier for non-native speakers to learn and understand Darija. Additionally, it allows for greater consistency and ease of use across different devices and platforms.

However, we understand that some users may prefer to see Darija written using the traditional Arabic script, and we are always looking for ways to improve our platform and meet the needs of our users. If you would like to see more of the traditional letters used on our website, please contact us and let us know. We welcome your feedback and suggestions as we work to make Mydarija.com the best possible resource for anyone looking to learn and communicate in Darija.

If you would like to see more of the traditional letters, contact us to let us know. 

You may have noticed that some of the translations on Mydarija.com include numbers in place of certain letters. This may seem unusual or confusing, but it is actually a common practice in writing Darija, the Moroccan dialect of Arabic.

The reason for this is that there are certain sounds in Arabic that do not have a direct equivalent in the English alphabet. To represent these sounds, Arabic speakers often use numbers to replace the letters that would normally be used in English.

For example, the Arabic letter “ayn” is pronounced as a deep guttural sound made in the throat. In English, there is no letter to represent this sound, so Arabic speakers often use the number “3” to represent it in written form.

Similarly, the letter “ghayn” is another sound that is not found in the English alphabet. To represent this sound, Arabic speakers often use the number “ghayn.”

If you see a number in a word while using our platform, it is simply a representation of a sound that is not found in the English alphabet. To help you understand these sounds and how they are represented, we have created a special words page on our website. Here, you can find examples of words that use these special sounds, along with audio recordings to help you practice your pronunciation.

Check out our “special words” page for the 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9 letter sounds with audio.

We hope that this information helps you to better understand why numbers are used in some of the translations on our platform. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Arabic script is read from RIGHT to LEFT.  Example (شكون )

When Arabic is written in English/Latin letters it is read from LEFT to RIGHT.  Example (chkoun)

Arabic is a gender specific language. Some of the words are said differently if you are talking to a male or a female.

If there is a (F) this means you are talking to a female. If there is a (M) this means you are talking to a male.

Here is an example if you are talking to a female:

Where are you going? = Fin ghadya (F)

Here is an example if you are talking to a male:

Where are you going? = Fin ghadi (M)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

(S) Means Singular
(P) Means Plural
(F) Means Female
(M) Means Male

There are different spellings because there is no standard set of rules for Moroccan Darija.

We capitalized most of the words that start with the letter L on the home page and at the beginning of sentences to avoid confusion, because a lowercase l looks very similar to a capital I.

Mydarija is specifically designed to help you translate between English and the Moroccan dialect of Arabic, which is commonly used in Morocco. This means that you can easily communicate with locals, whether you are a tourist or a resident in the country. Our website also offers an auto-teacher feature with a chat box where you can learn by typing and listening to audio. We also have a section dedicated to explaining Moroccan culture and customs to help you better understand the country. Overall, Mydarija provides a convenient and comprehensive platform for anyone looking to learn the Moroccan dialect of Arabic or to communicate more effectively in Morocco.

The slash means the word OR on this website.

No, we are not affiliated with any other website.

There is a team of people that are native to Morocco and America. They are making sure the translations are as accurate as possible. If you find a mistake please feel free to contact us!

Yes we do have an app,

You can search “mydarija” in google play store.

If you have apple product please you can use any browsers such as “firefox” , “opera” or “chrome” etc… to view to website


When there is a / it is separating two different word with the same meaning. When (…) are used, it is indicating a different spelling for the same word. 

A- For example (….) = Heart = 9alb (qalb)

B- For example  /  =  Yes = N3am / Ah / Wah / wakha / iyah

Search by Word

Simply type what word you are looking for in the search bar. Hitting the space bar after typing a small word in the search bar will help you find it easier. This search bar is for one word only. You can type in English or Moroccan Darija to see the translation. The English word will appear in the first column, followed by the translation. Sometimes there is also an example sentence after the translation. Please note that we are adding new words constantly. If the word you want is not there, feel free to try a different spelling or contact us.

Yes, you will need a silver membership to access the search by word and search by sentence feature.

When you type something in the search bar you can choose how many results you want to see at a time.

Search by Sentences

The search by sentence feature has hundreds of sentences to choose from.

Simply type what you are looking for in the search bar. We put phrases and sentences in this search bar. You can type in English or Darija to see the translation. Using a different spelling may help. Some of the sentences are made using contractions. Please note that we are adding new sentences constantly. If the sentence you want is not there you can contact us here.

Some of the sentences contain an empty line or … so you can add your own word or words. To find the translation for the word you want, just look for it in the search for words on the home page.
No, the search by sentence and search by word will work if you type in upper or lowercase letters. However, contractions do need to be written correctly to show up.


Yes, we have different categories to choose from such as animals, shopping, food  etc…

Feel free to check it out here

Simply click on the quiz. Then click on your answer. When have answered all of the questions click on the finish button to see the result. 

Yes, we are creating more quizzes. They will be added soon.

A- Basic quizzes are one word answers.

B- Advanced quizzes are sentences or phrases.


It is an advanced feature with prebuilt lessons to help you learn Darija. It includes lessons, reviews, and practices. All the lessons have audio. The lessons will ask you to repeat what is taught so you can learn faster. It starts by teaching general information.

auto teacher
auto teacher
reset auto teacher

Each lesson has common words, sentences and reviews. And a deep understanding of Darija.

If you want learn personal pronouns etc… Please check lesson 4.

Yes, every lesson has audio. 

Please visit the Auto-Teacher page.

It has its own FAQ on how to use it.

No, you need a silver membership to access it.

No, it does not because there is no standard rules for Darija. Some people write it slightly different.


good = mazyan

Some could write it like this:

mzyn, mazyn but it is still pronounced the same way

Click on the menu on the auto-teacher. You will need a paid silver membership to access the Auto-Teacher.

Yes, it does. When you open the auto teacher you can click on “Conversation-Darija ” or ” Conversation-English”

When you click on the conversation button, you can practice what you learned by typing a conversation with the Auto-Teacher.

The lessons are for beginners and advanced students.

When you click on the conversation button, you can practice what you learned by typing a conversation with the Auto-Teacher.
This conversation is in Darija only.

When you click on conversation-Darija you will get 2 buttons, one says “Female” the other one says “Male”

This is what they stand for:

A) For female: the auto teacher is talking to a female

B) For male: the auto teacher is talking to a male

When you click on the conversation button, you can practice what you learned by typing a conversation with the Auto-Teacher.
This conversation is in Darija and English.

You can follow along with the conversation. If you feel that you are getting good enough, you can try conversation-Darija.

My Account

To create a new account, visit the link below and fill out the information.

Click here please:  Register

or here


After you register and click submit, you will receive an email to activate your account.

Click on the words “lost your password” on the login page. Type your email address and click on “get new password.” We will send you an email to reset your password.

If you wish to change your current password.

  1. Go to  my account
  2. Click on profile details 
  3. click Save changes

We only request that you log in with your password. We will NOT ask for your password over the phone, email, or chat message.

login in to your account and  click on ” Profile Details”  icon.

On the my account page click on “delete my account” and follow the instructions. After 30 days your entire account will be deleted.

Membership Plans

There are 3 membership plans.

1) Free

2) Silver

3) Custom translations

You will need a silver plan to access the entire site. It costs $4.99 a month. You can cancel anytime.

If you are not a registered user, click on my account in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

If your silver membership is pending or on hold, you need to pay for the membership to activate it. If you have already paid the membership please contact us.

1) Log into my account.

2) Click on membership plan.

3) Click on the “Sign up” button.

If you signed up for a recurring membership on Mydarija and want to cancel it, follow these steps:

Step 1: Log in to Your Account
Go to the Mydarija website and log in to your account using your email address and password.

Step 2: Access Your Dashboard
Once you’re logged in, click on “My Dashboard” on the top menu bar to access your account dashboard.

Step 3: Access Your Membership Plans
On your dashboard, locate the section for “Membership Plans.” This should provide you with information about your current membership.

Step 4: Locate the Membership You Want to Cancel
Find the membership that you want to cancel and click on the “Cancel” button. Make sure you select the correct membership, as this will be a recurring payment that you’re cancelling.

Step 5: Confirm Your Cancellation
Mydarija will ask you to confirm your cancellation. If you’re sure you want to cancel your membership, click “Yes” to proceed.

Step 6: Receive Confirmation
Once you’ve canceled your membership, [Your Platform] will send you a confirmation email.

Or you can do it from Paypal there is an option to pause or cancel silver membership

It will automatically downgrade to a free membership at the end of the billing cycle.

Free memberships never expire.

Silver memberships expire when we do not receive a payment. Payment is required every 30 days.

You can reach us via email at mydarija@yahoo.com or click on the contact us in the right-hand corner at the bottom of the page. Then fill out the form with your request.

If you bought a silver membership and choose to cancel the auto-payment, you will be charged for that month. After the month is finished you will be automatically be downgraded to the free membership.


Step 1: Log in to Your Account
Go to the MyDarija website and log in to your account using your email address and password.

Step 2: Access Your Dashboard
Once you’re logged in, click on “My Dashboard” on the top menu bar to access your dashboard.

Step 3: Click on “Orders”
From your dashboard, click on “Orders” to view your orders.

Step 4: View Your Order History
Once you’ve accessed your orders, you will be able to view your order history. Each order will include the following information:

  • Code: The unique code assigned to the order.
  • Memberships: The type of membership purchased, if applicable.
  • Total Amount: The total amount paid for the order.
  • Payment Method: The payment method used for the order, such as credit card or PayPal.
  • Date: The date the order was placed.
  • Coupon: Any coupon code used for the order, if applicable.
  • Transaction: The transaction ID for the order.
  • Status: The status of the order, which may be pending, complete, or another status depending on the platform.

Step 5: View Details of an Order
To view the details of a specific order, click on the order number to open the order details page. Here, you will be able to see the items ordered, the price, and any other relevant information about the order.

That’s it! Now you know how to view your orders on MyDarija , including all the additional information you can see.


At Mydarija.com, we accept payments via Paypal and credit cards processed through stripe.com. Please note that we do not store any of your billing information on our website to ensure your privacy and security.


If you own a travel agency or business and you think mydarija.com will be able to help your business, feel free to contact me by clicking on  Contact us

Or email me: mydarija@yahoo.com
